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"Благодарение на вас доходите ми от наем са свързани само с получаването на пари. Без закъснения, без уговорки за отлагания и без напрежение и спорове. Даже нямам никакъв контакт с моя наемател."

Ангел Първанов

A tall, modern skyscraper with a sleek, geometric design features numerous windows and balconies. The foreground displays a sign advertising luxury penthouse suites with information on sales and rentals. Several small trees and flagpoles are lined up on the terrace, adding a touch of greenery to the urban setting.
A tall, modern skyscraper with a sleek, geometric design features numerous windows and balconies. The foreground displays a sign advertising luxury penthouse suites with information on sales and rentals. Several small trees and flagpoles are lined up on the terrace, adding a touch of greenery to the urban setting.
